together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit."
This scripture spoke to me in two different ways. First is the obvious- verse 22 is exactly how I feel right now. I feel like Jesus is going through my heart and saying- hey, we need some room in here and is throwing out all the junk. To that I say- there's a lot of junk- please throw it all out! ;-) (I can't help but think of the shirt I wore the night of my baptism- Extremer Makeover- LIFE edition!) Ok, time to be serious.... I do feel like Jesus is pushing out all of the bad things in my life and I couldn't be more thrilled about that. To know that Jesus sees all of the mess and still LOVES me and SAVED me is just mind blowing. That is the true meaning of non-judgemental, unconditional love. Aren't we all just so blessed to have this love given to us by our Father? It still amazes me and at this point, I am pretty sure it always will. I pray that my family and my friends sees the changes that this love can make and seek to learn the TRUTH as I have. As I told a friend recently, I am lucky to know her now on earth, but I would be BLESSED to spend eternity with her with our Father.
The second way I feel the scripture spoke to me is in explaining the Pitman Church of Christ. I know that our congregation's purpose is found in The Great Commandment (Matt. 22:34-40) and The Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20), but this scripture explains a lot too. " are no longer foreigners.... but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household... In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple..." This explains what happened with my family perfectly! When we first start going to the Pitman church of Christ, we felt like foreigners (even to my home church to be honest). The people of Pitman welcomed us with open arms even without knowing who we were(Franny's family). Most didn't even know at first and still, they welcomed us and LOVED us. They showed us that we were HOME with our brothers and sisters in Christ and that we are now FAMILY, not foreigners! What joy it is to know that there is such a wonderful family we can turn to in time of need and in time of praise. I am truly blessed to call this congregation family and I look forward to raising my son and my future children in this family.
I am quite wordy tonight aren't I? Sorry, but blame my mom- she's the one who said I had to read Ephesians before I went to bed. She said I had to read Revelations as well about the seven angels so I guess I will go do that know and maybe find a basis for a post tomorrow. ;-) God Bless all who are reading this, but before I go...
The Blessing: I had to save this one for tonight as I want to ask for specific prayers for this person as she is returning to work for the first time in 4 months. This person, is my mom, Sandy. She has been known recently as a Franny's widow after his very sudden passing. She is obviously more than that, so for those who do not know her well yet, let me tell you who I believe she is. My mom is extraordinary! She is beautiful, smart, loving, devoted, caring, family centered, compassionate, knowledgeable, encouraging, courageous, willing, serving, helpful, and passionate. She is a loving wife, a wonderful mother and a marvelous gran-mom...not to mention a sensational cook! I can not come up with enough words to encompass my mother. She has been my rock for so many years and my best friend for all of my life. She is my son's favorite person (I'm not joking- you should see his face when he sees her!) and he loves her so much! I would be lucky to call her a friend, honored to call her family, but BLESSED by reasonable imagination to call her Mommy....which at the age of 25 I still do! I love you mommy and thank you for being you. I am so fortunate to be on this journey called life, and now Christian life, with you! <3>
Kristi, I'm sorry, but James was written for me. I'm sure of it! I'm pretty sure that the preachers have cameras in my house too. Every Sunday they seem to hit on something I'm struggling with. Of course I'm only kidding. God knows what we need and he sends it to us in His time.
Wait until you are watching a movie with bad language in it and your ears actually hurt from hear the bad words.
God is still transforming all of us! I'm glad to have your example on the journey.
Hi Andrea! It is amazing how God sends things to us in the ways that he does. It always seems like that billboard saying- so, now do you get it? That is my theme for well, this year!
I never thought I would see the day, but I am already taking offense to the crude language as is my husband. He was at a McDonalds one day and a few teenagers were throwing bad words around left and right. He was so tempted to just walk out instead of listening to it. It's scary to know that we were that way once. Thank God for transformation and salvation!
Thanks for encouraging me and I truly look forward to getting to know you better!
You are a "rock star"! We're going to have to sew a big "T" for transformation on the front of that Extreme Makeover shirt.
Just so you know, there is a filter called TVG or TV Guardian that you can buy to block out cuss words on TV, DVD player, and VCR. That will help you alot in raising Jason.
BTW, James was written for me...just ask my kids!!!
Because of Jesus, we are sisters!!
kristi, you are amazing! your encouragement to me is so grand! thank you for sharing your thoughts on here. i was wondering if you and your husband would like to come over for dinner. i am not sure where you all live, but we live in voorhees. when would be a good time for you? we are open on sat, night. i was thinking of inviting several people/families over.
Hi krisit,
i was wondering if you and your crew would like to come over on saturday night. you see each year at this time is the marine corps ball. matthew and i get dressed up and go. this year i decided not to go because i was not ready to leave a little baby behind. so i am having my own celebration with you if you are able to come. Matthew will be at the marine corps ball, so you will have the joy of mine and lexi's company. i am going to make a main course and would love for you to come with a side and your family. are you available on sat. at about 5 pm?
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