Thursday, October 30, 2008

It must be a test!

It must be a test!!! That's all I can say. Patti, I needed to be reminded of this scripture.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 says, “But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

I need this everyday, but especially today. I haven't posted anything in the last few days and I have so much to say. I just need to clear my head. I need to read the word and I need to pray. I need to be filled with His word. I need to stop being so down today and realize that despite the trials, life is good. Why can't I get this through my head? I know that God is in control, but today I am struggling with letting Him carry the burdens. I can only pray that tomorrow is a better day than today.

Sorry to rant, but I have avoided a lot of people today and maybe they will read this and know it wasn't personal....I just need to be sad today and talk to my Father and ask for his strength as I feel weak...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

What a week!

What more can I say than Thank God this week is over! Tuesday night was the only real exception....excluding fellowship times of course. This week has been rough beginning last Saturday and concluding today...I hope! I pray that God starts tomorrow off for me in a much better direction! I am ready to let this weeks negativity and trials stay in the past and look forward to seeing God work in so many wonderful positive ways.
Here is my confession on my biggest struggle so far in leading a Christian Life- my tongue! I am trying so hard to use it only to bless God as it is says James 3. (side note: the book of James was written for me!) I have to say that I am doing so well with this struggle. Things have happened in the past few weeks with work and home, and I find myself not reacting the way I once I did. I notice that I am thinking before I speak- which if you knew me before I rededicated my life to Christ is a huge accomplishment! I also don't use the same words in my conversations as I once did and that too is something to be proud of. Today, I had someone from work call and tell me that she was walking off the job and my reaction was to smile and say wow- I can't believe that just happened. Two months ago, I would've retold the story with several choice words and a lot of anger. God is SOOOOOOOO working on me! My husband even remarked to me today saying- wow, I can't believe you handled that in such a calm manner. It's so wonderful that people are noticing these changes, but it makes me see how corrupted I was at one time in my life. God, I know how hard it must be, but please.....keep TRANSFORMING me!!!!!
Tonight, at my mom's urging, I found myself reading the book of Ephesians. Yes mom, I too read the WHOLE book of Ephesians. Twice actually, the NIV version and the Message version. One section stood out to me during this study more than any other and I had to comment on it.
Eph. 2:18-22 reads "18For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. 19Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household, 20built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. 21In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. 22And in him you too are being built
together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit."

This scripture spoke to me in two different ways. First is the obvious- verse 22 is exactly how I feel right now. I feel like Jesus is going through my heart and saying- hey, we need some room in here and is throwing out all the junk. To that I say- there's a lot of junk- please throw it all out! ;-) (I can't help but think of the shirt I wore the night of my baptism- Extremer Makeover- LIFE edition!) Ok, time to be serious.... I do feel like Jesus is pushing out all of the bad things in my life and I couldn't be more thrilled about that. To know that Jesus sees all of the mess and still LOVES me and SAVED me is just mind blowing. That is the true meaning of non-judgemental, unconditional love. Aren't we all just so blessed to have this love given to us by our Father? It still amazes me and at this point, I am pretty sure it always will. I pray that my family and my friends sees the changes that this love can make and seek to learn the TRUTH as I have. As I told a friend recently, I am lucky to know her now on earth, but I would be BLESSED to spend eternity with her with our Father.

The second way I feel the scripture spoke to me is in explaining the Pitman Church of Christ. I know that our congregation's purpose is found in The Great Commandment (Matt. 22:34-40) and The Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20), but this scripture explains a lot too. " are no longer foreigners.... but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household... In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple..." This explains what happened with my family perfectly! When we first start going to the Pitman church of Christ, we felt like foreigners (even to my home church to be honest). The people of Pitman welcomed us with open arms even without knowing who we were(Franny's family). Most didn't even know at first and still, they welcomed us and LOVED us. They showed us that we were HOME with our brothers and sisters in Christ and that we are now FAMILY, not foreigners! What joy it is to know that there is such a wonderful family we can turn to in time of need and in time of praise. I am truly blessed to call this congregation family and I look forward to raising my son and my future children in this family.

I am quite wordy tonight aren't I? Sorry, but blame my mom- she's the one who said I had to read Ephesians before I went to bed. She said I had to read Revelations as well about the seven angels so I guess I will go do that know and maybe find a basis for a post tomorrow. ;-) God Bless all who are reading this, but before I go...

The Blessing: I had to save this one for tonight as I want to ask for specific prayers for this person as she is returning to work for the first time in 4 months. This person, is my mom, Sandy. She has been known recently as a Franny's widow after his very sudden passing. She is obviously more than that, so for those who do not know her well yet, let me tell you who I believe she is. My mom is extraordinary! She is beautiful, smart, loving, devoted, caring, family centered, compassionate, knowledgeable, encouraging, courageous, willing, serving, helpful, and passionate. She is a loving wife, a wonderful mother and a marvelous gran-mom...not to mention a sensational cook! I can not come up with enough words to encompass my mother. She has been my rock for so many years and my best friend for all of my life. She is my son's favorite person (I'm not joking- you should see his face when he sees her!) and he loves her so much! I would be lucky to call her a friend, honored to call her family, but BLESSED by reasonable imagination to call her Mommy....which at the age of 25 I still do! I love you mommy and thank you for being you. I am so fortunate to be on this journey called life, and now Christian life, with you! <3>

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Bless this day!

Hello again! So I can finally get into my blog to make a new post, but now I have to do it from a different computer. I have a virus on my laptop and I downloaded an anti-virus, but guess what? It was a scam! What fun to come home to after a miserable day at work. So, here is a test of my newly dedicated Christian faith. What am I to do after such a rotten day??? Pray and read the scripture! I have been praying, but before I start reading scripture, I wanted to post a few of my thoughts on this week. I figured I would do this first because I always end up reading much more than I planned which is wonderful, but I don't want to forget anything. ;-) So here it is!

Isn't it just amazing when you feel God is leading you in a particular way and then He puts up a billboard saying- "You got it! Do this!!!"? That has happened a lot to me lately and I just love it! It is so amazing that I am able to hear God's will! I said to my husband on Sunday Morning as we were getting ready for church that I had a new idea for this blog. A few weeks ago, Patti & Steve were talking about how we should bless others in the "How God Does Family" class. I have been trying to do this, but much to your surprise, it is hard for me to verbally bless someone. I am working on it, but I think that I can do it in my writings. So, every time I have a new post, I want to conclude it by blessing someone. I loved the idea of blessing others since it was first explained to me, so I was thrilled with finally being able to do it in my own little way. The awesome part- Steve's sermons on Sunday was all about blessings! It was just so perfect and it was like God showing me that billboard saying- "So, do you get it now?" I just love those messages!!!

Tuesday night was an amazing night for me. I had a wonderful friend of mine come over for dinner and to talk with Katherine, my mom and I about the truth we had found in Jesus and His word. She seemed to be very interested and expressed interest in coming back next week. There is so much to learn and understand, but her interest amazes me. She sees the changes in me & Tim and wants it for her and her husband. That is probably the very best compliment anyone has ever paid me! She is one of my very best friends, and to hear that she can visibly see that God is working on me. It's going to be a lot of hard work, but He is surely working! I feel the changes, but to know that they are becoming visible, that is a blessing!!! Thank you, my dear friend, for blessing me in such a wonderful way!

I also wanted to say thank you to everyone who has sent cards, comments, and emails of sympathy to us for Tim's grandmom. It is always hard to lose a family member, but your kind words have been uplifting and such a blessing to our family!

Before I write my blessing for today, I wanted to post these lyrics as they spoke to my heart at so many times over this very trying week.

Count Your Blessings

When upon life’s billows you are tempest-tossed,When you are discouraged,
thinking all is lost,Count your many blessings, name them one by one,And it will
surprise you what the Lord hath done.

Refrain:Count your blessings, name them one by one,Count your blessings, see what God hath done!Count your blessings, name them one by one,And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.

Are you ever burdened with a load of care?Does the cross seem heavy you
are called to bear?Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly,And you will
keep singing as the days go by.

When you look at others with their lands and
gold,Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold;Count your many
blessings—wealth can never buy Your reward in heaven, nor your home on high.
So, amid the conflict whether great or small,Do not be disheartened, God is
over all;Count your many blessings, angels will attend,Help and comfort give you
to your journey’s end.

The Blessing: You are such an amazing woman. You are a teacher, a leader, an inspiration in addition to being a grateful daughter, a loving wife, and a devoted mother. You are truly a wonderful sister and more giving than I could have ever hoped for. You are so diligent in sharing the Word by your God-given skills and have inspired so many to strive as you do to share our journey with others in hopes of forming a bond as God's loving family. Bless you, Patti, for all that you do for the women of our congregation and for me!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Hello again. I just wanted to post a quick update. Tonight at 6:30, Tim's grandmother passed away. We all thought it would be hours until her passing, but she surprised us. Well, maybe God surprised us. She was suffering, and the ever wonderful Mandy helped to ensure that she was at ease. Mandy gave her Haldol to help her relax and that was all she had needed. In just about an hours time, she had let go. Tim's aunt Bernice called Mandy an angel and I think she was right. This last week has been chaotic, hectic, stressful, uncertain, and frustrating. Mandy was our source of information and our point of reason. Thank you Mandy for doing what you do and for being my sister! Please continue to pray for our family. There is a lot of personal unrest for some of the members in Tim's family and I worry that Gram's passing may bring some of these issues out. In fact, there has already been a small argument within the extended family. I pray that these family members focus on what is important and not trivial; but most important, I pray that they find God. He is the source of all peace, comfort, and serenity. I was able to refocus my life through a loved one's passing and I pray that too can do the same. God Bless & thank you for the prayers!

Quick request for prayer

Hello to those who have already began to read this blog! As some of you know at this point, Tim's grandmother, Sylvia Sims, was placed on hospice early this week. We just got a call from my mother-in-law saying that she wasn't doing well and that they called the hospice on call person. Thank you Patti for connecting me to Mandy who is a hospice nurse. This happens to be her weekend on-call and with a quick call, she has asked to be the nurse who will go see Tim's grandmother. God works in such wonderful ways! Mandy just happened to tell me she was the on-call this weekend and I forgot until I began a silent prayer while on the phone. All I prayed was, "Lord, be with her now. Just please be with her." Then the LIGHT switch went off and I blurted out- "Mandy- Mandy's on call this weekend! I have to call her and I will call you back." I don't think my mother-in-law had a clue as to what I said. Thank you Mandy for being God's servant and for being such a willing soul. Please pray that God's Will will be followed and that Tim's grandmother passes in peace when it is her time. Thank you!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

A New Beginning

So here we go! I am not a journal writing person, but I wanted somewhere to express some thoughts so that maybe I will remember where I was and where I am going. I hope this works!

I was raised in a Methodist from birth. I never stopped going to church, but my attendance was on the decline ever since I got married. I stopped going on a regular basis because of my husband. He believed in God, but there was a problem that occurred with the pastor and him that made him uncomfortable to be there. I didn't want to go without him, so I just didn't go... well not very often anyhow. This was hard because I was a Christian and I had been raised in church. I had even gone to Brazil twice on missions trips. I was missing that part of my life so deeply, but I wanted to share it with my husband as we are now a family with our 22month old son. This opportunity came to us in June 2008. It had been offered prior, but we never accepted it and I will forever regret that!

On June 25th, 2008, my step-father Frannie Stetser passed away VERY suddenly. He had an undiagnosed brain aneurysm. We found out the day we collapsed and he passed the very next day. It was so tragic for our family. I am very close to my mom so I had been there when they first told us what had cause Frannie to pass out. As I saw him lying there, my mortality flashed before my eyes. I knew that day that I had to talk to my husband and we had to get back to church. Life was too short and now I saw that tomorrow is never a good day to do anything.... ESPECIALLY to find God. It had to be NOW!

The journey from that day has had it's lows as you could imagine, but it has been exciting too. Through Frannie's death, we found Pitman Church of Christ. This is the very congregation that Frannie worshiped with and helped guide him through his own transformation from sinner to forgiven Christian. The whole church has been there for Tim, my mom, and me since the day Frannie fell ill. They are the the most genuine, kind hearted, caring, devoted, loving Christian's that I have ever met. It was impossible to not be enticed by their light.

It didn't take long for us to figure out God's will for us. Through weekly bible studies, morning worship, personal study and a lot of prayer, Tim, my mom Sandy and I were all baptized into God's family on September 13th, 2008. It has truly been an amazing journey! The picture at the top of the post was taken right after our baptism.

The changes are evident in the three of us and I am blessed to know that my friends are seeing it too. I wish my family would though. Some of them seem critical of the changes instead of being joyful that we are trying to focus our lives on God instead of sin and trying to raise our son the right way. I am still trying to understand why some people can be so negative about such a wonderful thing. I guess Satan is effecting them. Satan hates when people change for the better, but when you join God's family, it is hard to not change. The bible lays out the instructions so perfectly that if you strive to live according to God's Will, you will have to change! The other night someone told me an acronym for BIBLE. I believe it was Dan Cooper. BIBLE means Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. How perfect is that???? It just makes such perfect sense to me!
So now that I have a bunch of random thoughts I guess I should go back to the great instruction manual known as the Bible and find out where I should go with this blog. I am thinking that I want to write out all the new things I am learning so that I don't forget them. I have a few friends who have been asking questions and maybe this will help them....and me! God Bless!!!