Saturday, October 18, 2008

Quick request for prayer

Hello to those who have already began to read this blog! As some of you know at this point, Tim's grandmother, Sylvia Sims, was placed on hospice early this week. We just got a call from my mother-in-law saying that she wasn't doing well and that they called the hospice on call person. Thank you Patti for connecting me to Mandy who is a hospice nurse. This happens to be her weekend on-call and with a quick call, she has asked to be the nurse who will go see Tim's grandmother. God works in such wonderful ways! Mandy just happened to tell me she was the on-call this weekend and I forgot until I began a silent prayer while on the phone. All I prayed was, "Lord, be with her now. Just please be with her." Then the LIGHT switch went off and I blurted out- "Mandy- Mandy's on call this weekend! I have to call her and I will call you back." I don't think my mother-in-law had a clue as to what I said. Thank you Mandy for being God's servant and for being such a willing soul. Please pray that God's Will will be followed and that Tim's grandmother passes in peace when it is her time. Thank you!!!


Andrea said...

What a blessing to have Mandy! Thanks for sharing how God answers prayers, in an instant sometimes. Sylvia is in my prayers, as are you, Tim, Sandy and your sweet son.

PS, God Loves You said...

Just remember that whatever happens...GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME AND ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD!