Friday, November 28, 2008

A day late...

I am exhausted, but I had to post a little something for Thanksgiving. I have to say that with all the grief our family has endured this year, Thanksgiving was surprisingly pleasant. I took some time yesterday to really focus on a few things that I am grateful for and this is my list.

*My God & His Son
*My husband and his TRANSFORMATION
*My mother and her strength
*My job in this difficult economy
*Family & Friends
*Pitman Church of Christ and ALL of my family there

And one of the things I am most thankful for.... my son! The absolute best thing came out of his mouth the other day when I was putting him to bed. It stopped me dead in my tracks and my heart was just bursting with joy! Any guesses what he said????? He said- "Mommy- I pray!" Is that not one of the most amazing phrases that could come out of a nearly 2 year old's mouth???? It truly melted my heart! I just love watching my family change so much now that God is in control. Transformation is amazing!

I have been running since about 4am, so goodnight everyone!


Anonymous said...

What a powerful testimony! Jason has the eyes and ears to hear Jesus in your home. That's what he is seeing and hearing. May you always "talk to God" with him and not just "say your prayers."
I love you, Patti

Judy said...

Kristi,I enjoy your blog and hope you can write more often. It is good to read about others journey of growing in their faith. Check my website out for an award I gave you.