Saturday, March 14, 2009

I never thought it would be this hard...

So, I haven't posted anything in months, but after the week I have had, I just simply had to post something before my head explodes! I have so much to say, but no where appropriate to say it so here goes!

Ok, Sunday was a great day. We all went to church and the sermon was amazing. We saw family in the afternoon and attended a LIFE group on Fireproof that night. I remember saying to Tim that I was nervous about the week ahead, but I knew God would be there. I just didn't know how much He would be there this week.

On Monday I started back to school and nothing went right. My desktop computer wouldn't work right and my laptop was still being fixed or so I thought. I know now that my laptop is all but dead. It works for surfing the internet, but literally turns off when you unplug it. The battery is completely dead. I did end up buying a new one which should be here in a week or two. Thank God for tuition reimbursement! :)

Tuesday started the roller coaster ride I have been on. We now host a LIFE group on Tuesday nights for young married couples and/or single parents. The group has been going good, but this week was great. One of the couples who came stayed until almost 11pm. We had wonderful conversations and Alyson fixed my desktop computer. It was such a blessed night.

Wednesday was tiring, but so worth it. At the end of a hectic day I was able to witness an amazing thing- a teenager baptizing his younger brother. It brought chills and tears! It was so refreshing to see God at work in such young men. They are the future of this church, this country, and the world! Oh, did I mention they will likely be some of the men my son will turn to for advice one day? How amazing to see Austin baptized by his big brother!

Thursday...the down turn... I had a good day and a great conversation with Dan when he came over for a Bible Study with my mom and I. It truly was a refreshing talk. After he left, I went on my facebook and posted a comment that I thought was endearing, but it turned out to be offensive to a particular person. The comment simply read: "3 God centered days is a pretty wonderful thing". My brother didn't respond it to it very well. He made a semi-rude remark and after I responded because of several other remarks he has made in the past, he has decided to not only delete me off of his facebook page and now has also stopped talking to me. What a shock!

Matthew 5:10 says "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven." I had said on Tuesday at LIFE group that this verse was important to me because of some of my family's reactions since I have become a Christian. I didn't know it would reiterated throughout the week. I can not get past the fact that my own brother has stopped talking to me because I stood up for my beliefs in God and said that he should not make such rude comments. I have no way to explain how this feels. In a way, I am okay with him not talking to me. Where my problem lies is that he has 2 daughters that I won't see now. That is what crushes me more than anything else.

I know he may come around one day, but I will always remember this. Forgiveness has already taken place, but I am still hurt, not angry like I was. I had such respect for him, but now... I just don't know. I don't know how something like this could happen. I could understand it more if we were raised a completely different religion, but we were brought up in church and he still goes weekly or at least regularly, I believe. I need your prayers to fully get past this! It has caused conflict for not only him and I, but I caught myself arguing with Tim because I thought he didn't care enough about what was taking place. How ridiculous is that? I am embarrassed that it even happened, but here I type it for the whole world to see. That's just me though- for the good and the bad, I do tell it honestly! I was also so wrapped up in it that I couldn't focus on school and turned in an assignment late by accident. I can't allow him to effect my life like this. I need to get past it despite how hard it may be. I have never had this type of drama take place so I don't quite know how to deal with it yet.

Please pray that I can focus on school and that I don't take out my emotions on Tim for something he had no part of. Also, speaking of prayer requests... I have a few more. Please pray for Jessica and her continuing headaches to subside and 3 year-old Lauren who is waiting for a heart transplant.

I can't finish without saying how wonderful my sisters in Christ are. Through my discouraging week, they have been so ENCOURAGING! They have given advice, listened to my ranting, gave testaments on my facebook page, sent me emails and PRAYED for me. Are they not just amazing women? I am so blessed to have been brought to this church family and I thank God for them every single day!!!


Annette said...

I have had people in my family be "offended" by my faith in the past. I have had family members say they would never talk to me again because I chose to live in truth. Somehow God worked that all out. Somehow I had the strength to wait it out and wait for God to work it out in HIS time. I've taken my frustrations out on my husband and my children. Somehow they forgave me. Just this past week, while my mother was living her last days, there was a lot of hurt and animosity between the four of us "kids" and extended family members. I expected all kinds of problems when she died with these family members. Somehow it didn't happen.

I have no words of wisdom or advice, just my life experience. I can tell you that without a doubt, time after time, God has worked out what seemed like impossible relationship issues in my family- When I've given it to Him to handle. And when I've had trouble doing that, I've asked others to pray for me.

Just like the song in Fireproof,"While I'm Waiting" just serve Him while you are waiting and then wait and see the miracles that will happen in your life.

I love and admire you,

Brenda Collins said...

You hang in there. God is able to turn this around and make good from it. It may be a lesson to take with you, a foundation for future interactions, who knows. Ask God to let you know how He needs you to use this situation. Brenda

Anonymous said...


First, I want to say, "Welcome back to blogging! I've missed you!"

Second, 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 says, "We live by faith, not by sight. We are confident...we make it our goal to please Him..."

Third, Colossians 1:16-18 says, "All things were created by Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together."

If you focus on just pleasing God, then everything else will hold together and work out for good like Annette and Brenda are saying. Just know that I've had yars and years of experience proving this to be true! GIGATTAATTGIG!

Because of Jesus, we are family,

carmen uy said...

I am a devout Catholic but I have many Christian friends, some, I like very much. As in the Catholic masses that I attend, there is a part in it where the people would answer the priest celebrating the mass, "May the Lord accept this sacrifice at your hands, for the praise and glory of His name, for our good and the good of all His church". I believe that Christian churches are part of Jesus' Church, beside the Catholic church.

Regarding your problem, just remember that the Lord says "You will not be tested beyond your capacity".

Together We Save said...

God will take care of this and in his time not yours so be faithful.